Boys Box League Rules
- 5 field players + goalie on the field
- Two 25 minute periods with a running clock
- No timeouts
- If the score is tied at the end of the regulation time, a Brave Heart will determine the winner, goalies must stay on their half
- Substitutions are on the fly
- Scores will be kept for weekly standings
- No players required to stay back behind center line while on offense and defense, except goalie
- No parents are to stand behind the bench side, or behind the goal area (black netting), or at scorer’s table/tent
- Cross-check holds are legal, but there must be no more than equal pressure to the front/side of the opponent with elbows ben
- Full extension (thrusting) of the arms on the cross-check holds are not permitted
- Moving picks are permitted
- No pushing, cross checking, or moving picks from behind
- No pushing, body checking, or cross checking a player into or within 3 yards of the boards.
- Players must only play the ball within 3 yards of the boards
- Warding is permitted
- No body checking, but legal pushing is allowed
- One-handed checks are allowed, but must hit the stick
- No stick inspection required, unless deemed necessary
- Sticks must be less than 42” long
- No long poles
- Faceoff to start each half
- Players not taking faceoff must remain behind the blue line (GLE) until ref blows whistle to begin play (they are not released on possession).
- Ball is in play off the back of the black netting behind goals and off boards
- No back court rule in effect
- If ball crosses back over the midfield area, it’s a free ball
- A shot on goal that goes out of bounds or gets stuck in the net without hitting the goalie or goal post is a turnover
- 6 goal differential, the team that is down gets a free outlet pass after a goal.
- Team must clear after every goal
- Team has 10 seconds to clear ball over midfield
- No shot clock, if a team is stalling a 30 second shot clock can be given by officials
- No players required to stay back behind center line while on Goalie is not allowed to go over center line
- Goalie cannot shoot on goal
- Goalie cannot cross midline area and cannot shoot or assist on offense as a 6th attacker past the midfield area
- Goalie must be on field at all times
- A team without a goalie is not allowed a 6th player
- Outlet passes back to the goalie in the crease are permitted
- All teams must supply a goalie, regular field goalie gear is required and will be provided if needed
- Teams play a man-down for the time on the penalty
- Players are releasable after a goal unless it was a non-releasable foul
- All fouls are double the penalty time from field lacrosse
- 2 minutes for slashing (excessive is non-releasable or if same player flagged twice or more)
- 2-4+ minutes for boarding which is non- releasable
- Excessive and violent play & repeat fouls result in 5 minute major, or fighting, player will be removed from the game.
- Players will be removed from the game for accumulating 5+ minutes of personal fouls in a game.
- If coaches argue fouls they can be removed from the game
- Coaches will receive a warning, after the coach's second offense they will be removed and not able to coach next game.
- Coaches need to control players and parents during games at all times
- Coaches are not allowed on the field